Conversation Classes
Learning Materials

If becoming bilingual is your goal, then we are your people.

We know that if you did not grow up in a French-speaking region, the path to bilingualism is not easy. It takes perseverance, encouragement and practice. We understand that because we have been there, or we are on the path now.


ACAF is an association of adult language learners dedicated to supporting and encouraging the learning of French across Canada.


No matter your age or amount of previous instruction, it is always a good time to learn French. The pleasures and advantages of speaking French are countless. In addition to securing employment or obtaining a promotion, bilingual people can partake in the richness of French culture, enjoy authentic travel experiences, and meet new friends from around the world.

As a member of the ACAF, you can:

*Extra fees apply. Click on “Cours de français” to learn more.

ACAF Badges

To help you stay motivated, ACAF has a monthly awards system. You can earn up to 3 points a day by submitting your answers to the following questions using the form on the main page:

  1. The « Question du jour » found on the main page
  2. The validation question to any news bulletin or video
  3. The validation question for any news article

Submit your answers every day to earn the following badges:

Badge ACAF - Or: 90 Points

Badge ACAF - Argent: 60 Points

Badge ACAF - Bronze: 30 Points

Members who obtain ACAF Badges will be automatically included in a monthly draw for a gift card of $50. Click on “Devenir membre” to sign up to become a member of ACAF today!

Your future bilingual self will thank you.


Vous êtes invités à la rencontre inaugurale de l’ACAF!

Samedi 4 juin 2022, de 14h à 17h

Royal Ontario Museum (ROM)

Visite de la collection du ROM: 14h à 15h

Rencontre hybride:  15h à 16h

(en présentiel ou sur Zoom)

Réception vin-fromage: 16h à 17h

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